Old Faithful Geyser

Friday, August 28, 2009

Creating- Job description for a volcanologist.

Could you be a volcanologist?

Do you have the skills and determination to become a volcanologist? Take this test to find out.

  1. Do you love heights?

  2. Are you fit and strong?

  3. Are you a willing learner?

  4. Are you fond of travelling?

  5. Are you good at spelling?

  6. Great at maths?

  7. Keen about physics?

  8. Great at map reading?

  9. Awesome with gizmos, gadgets and computers?

  10. Are you very observant?

How did you go?

8-10 yeses- Great! You are a stunning volcanologist! Find out what to wear below.

5-7 yeses- Not Bad. Maybe you should try something a little less dangerous.

0-4 yeses- Forget it ! You'll end up killing yourself if you take the job!


  1. You need it. Some volcanoes are very high. Guallatiri in Chile is over 6 km tall.

  2. There will be a lot of climbing involved.

  3. You will need to learn how to use new equipment.

  4. There is a volcano in almost every continent in the world.

  5. You'll need to know how to spell terms such as a phreatomagmatic eruption.

  6. You'll need to do extremely hard calculations

  7. You'll need to know how volcanoes erupt and for things like that.

  8. You'll need to find volcanoes. Some volcanoes are horribly hard to spot.

  9. You'll need to know how to use a satellite, seismometer and a pyrometer.

  10. You might need to write a report of what you study and discover.

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